
Test (14 days) Test (14 days)
Test Package - 14 days free ? -
3 months price ? 169 87 -
6 months price - check discount * ? 329 169 -
1 year price - check discount * ? 639 329 -
2 years price - check discount * ? 1246 639 -
3 years price - check discount * ? 1824 931 -
Website generator ?
No Creators note in footer ?
One click login ?
Many companies, products, services on one map ?
Linking preferred payment methods ?
Currency converter prices ?
Determining methods of delivery - free delivery, private, courier ... ?
Module geolocation and e-map ?
Social plugins ?
Linking to social network profiles ?
Favorites ?
Followed ?
Comments ?
Notifications for selected categories, companies and users ?
Auto translator ?
Contact form ?
Registers ?
ID product / service / company ?
Personalize graphic presentation ?
Activation / Deactivation ?
Delivery calculator ? -
Files ? -
Ratings ? -
Your company and your business logo ? -
Web address in alias site ? -
QR code generator ? -
Auto e-mail ? -
Price and promotional price ? -
Promoting on the home page ? -
Money transfer ? -
Visits on publication ? -
Recommendations - awards, certificates ? - -
E-business Credibility Recomendation ? - -
Linking to the company website ? - -
Promotional banner ? - -
Individual functionalities ? - -
Photos, Pictures for products, services, companies ? No limit 10 2
Movies for products, services, companies ? No limit 10 2
SEO levels ? 1 2 -
Priority display / positioning publication on the firmbook ? 1 2 -
* Discounts from 10 to 35 percent. Send SMS "PROMOTION" to 515 783 486 ;-) ? - - -
Test (14 days) Test (14 days)